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Synthestesia Avatar
over 3 years ago


little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
over 3 years ago

What's the bpm at? That could probably be why I'm feeling weird about it.

Synthestesia Avatar
over 3 years ago

I thought kind of the same thing. I don't know why this is, but it always seemed to me that whenever I use a kick-snare pattern, it always ends up sounding slower than a simple kick bass pattern. Since this was supposed to be more fast-paced, it worked better. I didn't really know what else to call it.

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
over 3 years ago

I don't think this is technically dubstep. Sounds more like electro house or something a subgenre of house, the drum pattern isn't really a dubstep pattern too, I can't say for sure, but yeah. I like it. The compression isn't too bad, but I can see the difference between this and the one on YouTube.

Synthestesia Avatar
over 3 years ago

Butterworth Filter - cutoff: 12648 Hz, resonance 0%. Oh boy, that was a lot.

Synthestesia Avatar
over 3 years ago

Osc 1 - m shape thing, pitch: -24, gain: 100%, shape: 0%, glide: 0%, panning: center. Osc 2 - n shape thing (I don't know the names, okay?), pitch: 0, gain: 75%, shape: 100%, glide: 0%, panning: center. Sub - change nothing. Reese - on. LFO - sine, speed: 44.25 Hz, depth: 83%, phase: 0%, key tracking: 0%, retrigger and loop both off. M.S.L - all of it, filth: 0% (active), unison amount: 99%, unison count: 5 (inactive). Analog filter - peak, cutoff: 20,000 Hz, resonance: 17%, drive: 20%. Now add a distortion effect. Distortion - foldback, gain: 25%, volume: -20 db. Now add a Butterworth Filter.

Synthestesia Avatar
over 3 years ago

Actually, the main part of it - the growls - wasn't too complicated to make. In fact, I bet I can tell you every single setting to use to make a growl like I had in the drop. You need to use the Wub Machine.

Synthestesia Avatar
over 3 years ago

Thanks for the compliment! No, I did not automate anything. This was made completely using a free account, I did not spend a penny to make this track.

Vicious V53  Avatar
Vicious V53
over 3 years ago

Also I don't think I would really have the patience to make something like this (I assume you automated everything). I would most likely make the beginning, then leave it and never add to it until a year later or something. So good on you!

Vicious V53  Avatar
Vicious V53
over 3 years ago

Yeah Ik what you mean about the publish compression. It makes my tracks not epic.
