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-BBoy- Avatar
over 3 years ago

One last thing, maybe make a Farewell My Fantasies 1.1 to compare to this one and decide which one is better. Maybe make an entirely different song that just reuses elements of this one. Or a completely different song and compare. Maybe more than one alternative ones. Or maybe this one shouldn't be touched? The finale feels too short for sure. Needs to go on just a *bit* longer but not so much that it becomes bloated.

-BBoy- Avatar
over 3 years ago

working altogether on the album? Idk, also hello person reading this.

-BBoy- Avatar
over 3 years ago

Note to self- Maybe work on this one a bit, maybe work on letting each section of the song flow together a bit more smoothly and be less of just a YouTube Rewind theme with random melodies starting and stopping. Tie it all together a bit more, make it a bit more cohesive, especially around the 3 minute mark. And/or maybe include more motifs from this song in other songs on the album, so maybe it at least feels more justified. Or do nothing to it if it ends up working on the album. The ending feels a bit cut short, despite its 4 minute length. Or just scrap the song altogether if ends up not
