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#Hip Hop & Trap Group Profile Picture
Music Genre
Created November 04, 2018

#Hip Hop & Trap

Share your #Hip Hop tracks for a chance to get featured!

If Hip Hop is your thing, this group is for you. From Trap, Lo-Fi Hip Hop, Boom Bap, Grime to Glitch Hop, share your gritty beats with us here and listen to tracks from fellow producers to get inspiration for your next production. Also open for Reggaeton, Chopped N Screwed and Future Bass, this place is for your hard-hitting content whether you want to recreate classics or break the mould of all worldwide hip hop genres.

Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!


7 months ago

can anyone help me get trending? i swear my shit slaps

Kracked Ekho / illRipper Avatar

keep following your dreams man never give up

7 months ago

wow 15 views and still the runt of the litter is my music just that trash? 🤷

Kracked Ekho / illRipper Avatar

I posted a new beat. Hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do. https://soundation.com/user/KrackedEkho/track/linkin-park-x-illripper-type-beat
